The Mystery
of Matrimony - CD
Dr. Scott Hahn
Today marriage and the family are under attack. These divinely established institutions are being brutally assaulted from every side. What can be done to reaffirm the dignity of Holy Matrimony as a Sacrament and to reinforce the family as the fundamental unit of society? What does Sacred Scripture disclose about marriage and family life, especially in light of God's covenantal love?
Yourself Against the Ways of the World
In the new three CD series, The Mystery of Matrimony: Blueprint for a Catholic
Marriage, Dr. Scott Hahn explores the mystery of marriage and family in light
of Christ's New Covenant. These inspiring and insightful talks provide a powerful
Catholic antidote to the infectious ways of the world. As you listen to Dr.
Hahn's presentations, you'll discover precisely what is needed to enter into
the realm of the sacred as you strive to live your baptismal commitment and
become the saint God intends you to be.
and Temples
Investigating the concept of holiness, Hahn goes beyond the mere moral or
ethical dimensions to examine the universal calling to sanctity in light of
the liturgy and sacrifice, especially as contained in the Mass and as lived
in marriage. Now from the pages of Genesis and Revelation you'll discover
that "the world was a wedding from the very beginning," and that
true worship of God anticipates the reality of eternal, heavenly praise.
Sex, Lies and
Taking a fresh look at the Seven Sacraments Scott challenges you to "relearn
the language of love as our bodies were meant to speak it." Now you can
uncover transforming truths that are too often unappreciated and rarely fully
comprehended. This is your chance to go beyond being merely catechized and
become truly evangelized as you learn to put the Gospel truth into practice!
and Fathers
In his final talk, Dr. Hahn gets personal and practical in his teaching on
how to become truly holy. Offering concrete suggestions and useful advice
to overcome obstacles that might steer us away from Heaven, Scott shares from
his own family and fatherly experience. You'll discover how Catholic spiritual
practices are tangible ways to tap into the incredible reservoirs of grace
readily available to live a life of holiness.
Navigate Down the Narrow Way
The Mystery of Matrimony: Blueprint for a Catholic Marriage will illuminate
your mind and stimulate your soul to better understand the mystery of marriage
and family life than ever before. This three-CD set is perfect to spark a
renewal in any marriage no matter how many years the couple has been together.
It also makes a great gift for the engaged, recent newlyweds or anyone desiring
to get on the right path!
Why marriage is not "man-made" but a divine institution
How contemporary families can practically keep holy the Sabbath
Why the Church is the "bride of the New Jerusalem"
How modesty and purity are a means to holiness
How sexual intimacy is not for our satisfaction, but for our sanctification
Why singles are called to embrace "spiritual parenthood"
Why the only real failure in life is not to become a saint
Why Pope John Paul II's theology of the body is a "theological time bomb"
waiting to explode
Why the crisis of our age is "the crisis of fatherhood" according
to Benedict XVI
Why Our Lady and St. Joseph are powerful role models in raising children in
a godly fashion
Why parents need to both pray and play with their children
And much moreā¦
Item Number:
Unit Price: $23.95
Scott Hahn, Michael Cumbie, Dr. Brant Pitre,
Alex Jones,
Dr. Brant Pitre, and Prof. Michael Barber,
Rob Evans, Bishop Cordileone, Katrina Zeno, Jesse Romero,
Father Joseph Fessio, S.J, Ed Vizenor, Professor Ed Mazza and Many more
CD and DVD
A Window Into Our Savior's Heart - CD
Christian Fatherhood: "Dad-ness with Gladness"
The Eucharist Source & Summit - CD
Answering Common Objections - CD
Israel's Calf Hearted Response
God the Father Calls His Children
A Window Into Our Savior's Heart - CD
Biblical Understanding of Mary - CD
Becoming a Catholic Family - CD
The Four Marks of the Church - CD
How to Get the Most Out of Mass - CD
Evangelizing the Baptized - CD
Mary's Role in the 3rd Millennium - CD
Mary's Role in the 3rd Millennium - CD
Calling All Catholics to be Bible Christians - and Vice Vers
The Bodily Resurrection of Christ - CD
A Biblical Theology of the Covenant Priesthood - CD
Encountering Christ in the Gospels - CD
Justification: Becoming a Child of God - CD
The Rise and fall of the Old Testament Church
The Bible is a Catholic Book - CD
Exodus: Deliverace & Sacrifice - CD
A Kingdom Divided: Healing God's Family - CD
Un-holy War: Catholic Reflections on Islam - CD
The Lamb's Supper (as heard on EWTN) - CD
Building a Catholic Biblical World View - CD
Morality Medicine & Marriage - CD
Seizing the Catholic Moment - CD
Catholic Men's Conference - CD
Catholic Adult Education - DVD
Biblical Theology of Benedict XVI - DVD
Kimberly Hahn's Conversion - DVD
What Every Catholic Needs to Know About the Bible - DVD
18th Annual Catholic Family Conference Main Track - CD
18th Annual Catholic Family Conference Complete MP3
He Must Reign - 2nd Annual Biblical Studies Conference - CD
3rd West Coat Biblical Studies Conference - CD
The Gospel According to Saint Paul - CD
DVDs on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina:
New DVDs 3 Documentary Films in one DVD
Other Documentary Videos on
Faustina, Padre Pio and Apparitions at Medjugorje
St. Pio of Pietrelcina and St. Faustina
"Seeing Is Believing" Video Library
DVD - From San Giovanni to Heaven - New Video on Canonization of Padre Pio
The Beatification of Padre Pio
The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina
A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven
Medjugorje - The Miracles and The Message
Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy
The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration
Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"
Catholic Music of Catholic Artists - Christian Songs
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