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The Most Beautiful Catholic Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints, and Angels

Outdoor or Indoor Catholic Church Size Statues for Church, Home, or Garden

Since 1985, we've offered the highest quality Roman Catholic Christian Statues, Plaques, Pedestals, Brackets, Church Size Statuary, and Church Supplies



Finest Catholic Christian Religious Statues of

Click on the photos or links in each sections below to see statues and get more information:

Statues of Sacred Heart of Jesus
Church Size Statues of Christ - Sacred Heart of Jesus
Large Statues of Jesus - Corpus Crucifixes for Sale
Statues of Jesus Christ - Sacred Heart
Statues of Jesus Christ - Realistic Custom Finish
Statues of Jesus Christ - Holy Family

Section #1 - Jesus Christ Statues - Statues and Plaques - Indoor or Outdoor

Statues of Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary - Pietas
Church Size Statues of Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary with Child Jesus
Statues of Immaculate Heart of Mary for Sale
Large Statues of Our Lady of Grace
Statues of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Statues of Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary - Lourdes, Fatima
Section #2 - Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary Statues and Plaques - Indoor or Outdoor

Statues of Saints
Ourdoor Statues of Greates Saints for Sale
Church Size Statues of Saints and Saint Anthony
Statues of Saints and St. Benedict
Statues of Saints and St. Francis
Statues of Saints and Saint Joseph
Section #3 - Saints Statues and Plaques - Indoor or Outdoor

Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section I
Statues of Agels and Archangels
Statues of Agels - Outdoor
Church Size Statues of Archangels - Indoor or Outdoor
large Statues of Agels and Archangels
Large Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section I

Section #4 - Angels Statues and Plaques - Group I - Indoor or Outdoor

Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section II
Church Size Outdoor Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section II
Indoor Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section II
Realistic Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section II
Large Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section II
Custom Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section II

Section #5 - Angel Statues - Group II - Indoor or Outdoor

Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section III
Outdoor Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section III
Large Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section III
Church Size Custom Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section III
Realistic Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section III
Hand Made Statues of Agels and Archangels - Section III

Section #6 - Angel Statues - Group III - Garden - Indoor or Outdoor

Statues - Stations the Cross Statues, Nativities, Holy Family
Church Size Stations the Cross Statues, Nativities, Holy Family
Large Statues - Stations the Cross Statues, Nativities, Holy Family
Outdoor Stations the Cross Statues, Nativities, Holy Family

Section #7 - Stations of the Cross Statues - Nativities, Holy family and more ... Indoor or Outdoor

Pedestals for Statues
Pedestals for Large Statues
Church Size Outdoor Pedestals for Statues
Custom Pedestals for Statues
Church Pedestals for Statues
Pedestals for Large Statues

Section #8 - Pedestals for Statues - Indoor or Outdoor

Outdoor Plaques, Catholic Religious Statues - Religious Plaques
Church Size eligious Plaques
Large Religious Plaques
Catholic Religious Plaques
Christian Religious Plaques
Church Religious Plaques

Section #9 - Religious Plaques - Indoor or Outdoor

Scenes - statues stations of the cross for churches, nativity
Church Size Scenes - statues stations of the cross for churches, nativity
Church Scenes - statues stations of the cross for churches, nativity
Outdoor Scenes - statues stations of the cross for churches, nativity
Garden Scenes - statues stations of the cross for churches, nativity
Church Garden Scenes - statues stations of the cross for churches, nativity

Section #10 - Scenes - Statues - Stations of the Cross for Churches, Nativity and more - Indoor or Outdoor

Carrara Marble Religious Statues of Mary
Catholic Carrara Marble Religious Statues
Christian Carrara Marble Religious Statues
Carrara Marble Religious Statues of Mary
Carrara Marble Religious Statues of Christ
Carrara Marble Religious Statues of Angels

Section #11 - Carrara Marble Statues - Finest Italian Imports - Statues and Pieta



Jesus, Mary, Angels, Saints, Plaques, Shrines, and Pedestals of the Highest Quality

Indoor or Outdoor Church Size Catholic Christian Religious Statuary
The World's Largest Store of Catholic Christian Statues

Section #12 - More Catholic Statues and Accessories

Angels - Section IV - Outdoor or Indoor

Angels - Section V - Outdoor or Indoor

Statues of Saints - Section III - Outdoor or Indoor

Niches, Shrines and Grottoes for Statues - Outdoor or Indoor

Church Altars, Pedestals and Shrines - Decorative Accessories - Outdoor or Indoor

Niches, Shrines, Grottos and Brackets for Statues - Outdoor or Indoor

Brackets for Statues - Architectural Elements - Outdoor or Indoor

Candle holders - Section I - Outdoor or Indoor

Candleholders - Section II - Outdoor or Indoor

Accessories - Catholic Statues and Ornaments for Home and Church - Outdoor or Indoor

Garden Decor - Fountains, Tables, Bird Feeders & Pedestals - Outdoor or Indoor

Crosses - Celtic Crosses - Outdoor or Indoor

Statues for Churches, Homes and Gardens - Outdoor or Indoor



Large Church Size Outdoor and Indoor Religious Statues

Large Church Size Garden Statues - Outdoor or Indoor




Section #13 - Catholic Statues, Crucifixes, Plaques, Gifts, Paintings, Christmas Statues, Nativities and other Catholic Art

Avalon Gallery - Catholic Statue for indoor or Outdoor

Nativities and Christmas Decoration

Garden & Patio Statues

Catholic Statuary for Sale

Large Indoor & Outdoor Bronze Statuary

48" Wood Statue - Sacred Heart Of Jesus

48" Our Lady of Grace Statue

53" Immaculate Heart Statue

48" Sacred Heart Statue

48" Saint Joseph with Child Statue

53" Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue

48" St Anthony Statue

48" St Francis with Birds Statue

48" St Joseph Worker Statue

49" St Michael Statue

49" St Pio Statue - Padre Pio

36" Risen Christ Statue

Catholic Statues of Vienna

Catholic Statues and Rosaries

Crucifixes, Crosses, Plaques and Statues

Catholic Statues, Figurines, Plaques and Religious Christian Gifts

Roman Catholic Statues in Color and Bronze

Catholic Avalon Gallery Statues

Catholic Christian Statues for Sale

Catholic Statues and Crucifixes

Full Color Realistic Church Size Statues

Church Size Dolfi Statues

Finest Catholic Full Color Statues - Large and Small

Bronze Statues of Archangels, Holy Family and Jesus

Catholic Religious Bronze Statues

Statues of Archangel Raphael

Bronze Statues and Catholic Gifts

Crucifixes, Plaques, Statues and Religious Art

Medium to Small Size Statues, Crucifixes, Plaques, Wall Rosaries, Plaques, Candles, Religious Art and Religious Bird Feeders

Medals, Small Statues of Jesus and Mary, Advent Wreaths and Nativities

Medium Size Catholic Statues and Crucifixes

Finest Catholic Church Goods

Sacred Heart of Jesus Statues

St. Michael Statues, Plaques and Catholic Art

Immaculate Heart of Mary and Immaculate Conception Statues with Art

Catholic Statues, Plaques, Crucifixes and Art

Inspirational Gifts
Fatima Statues, Crucifixes, Crosses and Plaques

Catholic Statuettes, Plaques and Art Works

Catholic Statues and Crucifixes

Jesus, Mary, Saints, Crucifixes, Plaques, Fonts, Paintings and Art

Statuary, Nativities, Holy Family Holy Water, Statues and Christmas Gifts

Catholic Statues, Fonts and Crucifixes

Last Supper Icons, Plaques and Statues

Catholic Statues and Crucifixes

Statues, Chasubles, Monstrance, Crucifixes and Copes

Veronese Collection Catholic Statues

Catholic Statues of Jesus, Mary, Angels and Saints

Saints - Catholic Statues, Plaques and Icons of Saints

Catholic Gifts, Statues, Rosaries, Crucifixes, Church Supplies and more ...

Finest Catholic Crucifixes

Catholic Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints and Angels plus Crucifixes

Catholic Church Banners

Catholic Statues and Plaques

Catholic Gifts

Holy Water Glass Bottles

Statues, Crucifixes and Church Goods

Catholic Statues

Catholic Statues, Plaques, Nativities and Crucifixes

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Catholic Small Devotional Statues

Infant of Prague Statues

Statues of St John Paul II - Pope John Paul II

Catholic Gifts

Statues of Our Lady of Grace and Sacred Heart

First Holy Communion

Divine Mercy Items

Florentine Collection Statues

Catholic Statues









48" Wood Statue - Sacred Heart Of Jesus



Section #14 - More Statues and Accessories

Planters, Urns, Vases for Garden, Home and Church - Fiber Stone

Planters, Urns, Vases for Garden, Home and Church - Fiberglass

Architectural Elements for Church, Home and Garden
Balustrades, Columns, Pedestals, Balusters, Capitals, Ceiling Medallions, Over doors, Pilasters

Architectural Elements - Brackets

King David - Statues, Busts, Masks, Faces, Torsos, Pedestal and Parts

Garden Benches - Indoor or Outdoor

Statues of Saints - Section 3

Catholic - Christian Gifts

Decorative Tables, Table Bases, Pedestals and Altars



Section #15 - Marble Statuary - Catholic Church Statues

Carrara Marble Statues - Finest Italian Imports - Statues and Pieta

Catholic Marble Statuary

Marble Statues carved from a single block of premium Hunan marble

Church Supply and Marble Statues



Section #16 - Catholic Bronze Statuary

Bronze Statues of Archangels, Holy Family and Jesus

Catholic Bronze Statuary

Section #17
More Church Size Statues

Church Size Statues of
Church Size Statues of
Church Size Statues of
Church Size Statues of
Church Size Statues of



Section #19 - Small Catholic Statues

Inspirational Gifts
Fatima Statues, Crucifixes, Crosses and Plaques

Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints and Angels

Catholic Figurines, Medals and Statues



Section #20 - Statues, Nativities, Rosaries, First Communion, Crucifixes Collection ...

First Communion Supply

Glass Holy Water Bottles

Nativities, Christmas Cards and Christmas Gifts

Christmas Nativities, Angels and Figurines

Catholic Statues - Holy Family, Child Jesus, Our Lady, Saints and More ...

Small 4-5 Inch Catholic Florentine Statues

Catholic Statues Florentine and Benedictine Collection
5", 6", 8", 12", 20" and 24" High Statues
Resin and Wood Carved Statues

Catholic Statues 6" to 8"

Catholic Statues from 8" to 36"

Catholic Christmas Nativities for Home and Church

Nativities, Paperweight, Crosses, Wreaths and Crucifixes


Religious Items Regarding St. Peregrine
Statues, Prayer Cards, Rosaries and Medals

Catholic Gifts Catalogs

Holy Cards, Medals, Plaques, Magnets, Prayer Cards, Christmas Cards, Bibles, Baby, Children, Church Supply, Bible Accessories, Books & Cards, Crosses, Crucifixes, Devotional items, Family, Friends, Candles, Church Goods, Christmas Gifts, Jewelry, Sacraments, Seasonal, Wall & Decor, Statues, Decorative items and more.



Section #21 - Finest Catholic Inspirational Gifts

Catholic Inspirational

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Jesus with the Children

The Divine Mercy

El Nino

Good Shepherd

Our Lady of Medjugorje 8x10 plaque

Medjugorje Keepsake Box

Guadalupe Gifts

Fatima Gifts



Section #22 - Church Goods - Church Supplies
Finest Ecclesiastical Products

Church Goods

Processional Crucifix and Candlesticks

Chrismal Sets

Communion Bowls


Chalices and Ciboria

Crystal Cruets and Tray Sets

Chapel Monstrance


Lined Semi-Gothic Chasubles

Gongs & Bells, Censer & Boats


Chalice Cases

Traditional Roman Fiddle Backs & High Mass Sets

Unlined Semi-Gothic Chasubles

Book of the Gospel Covers

Mass kits

Traditional Chasubles and Copes

Mass Linens

Divine Mercy Chasubles


Hand Embroidered Chasubles


Monastery Icons, Plaques and Crosses


Church Furniture


Section #23 - Nativities - Nativity - Christmas - Catholic Statues

Nativity Art - Special Nativities

Finest Catholic Christmas Nativities for Home and Church

Nativities - Nativity - Christmas - Catholic Statues



Section #24 - Christmas Catholic Statues, Nativities, Advent and Gifts

Christmas Catholic Statues, Nativities, Advent and Gifts



Section #25 - Guadalupe
Statues, Candles, Plates, Fonts, Ceramics and Plaques

Guadalupe Statues, Candles, Plates, Fonts, Ceramics and Plaques

The Blessed Virgin Mary Statues



Section #26 - Fatima Statues and Plaques

Inspirational Gifts
Fatima Statues, Crucifixes, Crosses and Plaques

Fatima Statues and Plaques



Section #27 - Lourdes Statues, Fonts and Plaques

Lourdes Statues, Fonts and Plaques

The Blessed Virgin Mary Statues - Indoor or Outdoor



Section #28 - Milagros - Hispanic-Theme Catholic Inspirational Gifts

Milagros - Exclusive collections of Hispanic-theme Catholic inspirational gifts,
Bracelet, Rosaries, Necklaces, Framed Prints, Holy Water Vessels,
Saint Decals, Saint Incense, Santos Collection, Statuary, Tapestries,
Wall Plaques and more..

Statues, Rosaries, Crucifixes, Fonts



Section #29 - Infant of Prague

Infant of Prague Statues, Rosaries and Medals

Jesus Christ Statues



Section #30 - DiGiovanni Statues

DiGiovanni Statues

4" Statues

8" Statues

12" Statues

24" Statues

Figures of Faith



Section #31 - Finest Catholic Statues for Church and Home

Catholic Statues

36" Divino Niño Statue

51" Divino Niño Statue

28" Our Lady of Grace Statue

28" Our Lady of the Rosary

51" Our Lady of the Rosary Statue with Base

52" Sacred Heart Statue

Our Lady of Fatima Statue 52"

St. Jude Statue 52"

Immaculate Heart Statue 52"

24" Our Lady of Grace Statue



Section #32 - Statues, Nativities, Rosaries, Crucifixes, Fountains

Holy Water Bottles

Holy Prayer Cards

Armed Forces Religious Supply

Padre Pio Items - Rosaries, Statues, Crucifixes, Boxes, Medals, and Relics

Pieta and Last Supper Stand

Nativities for Christmas Holiday

PADRE PIO 22" statue

MOTHER TERESA 61" statue

ST. JOAN OF ARC statue

Nativities, Sculptures, Bird feeders, Garden Statues, Crucifixes,
Wall Fountains, Plaques, Grottoes, Candle holders and Church Supply

Plaques and Catholic Statues

Nativities, Water balls, Music Boxes, Plaques,Crosses, Statues,
Figurines, Stands, Holders, Bird Baths, Night lights, Plaques, Cardholders

Statues, Rosaries, Bird Feeders, Wedding Candles, Crosses, Rings,
Communion Memory Boxes, Cross Chaplets, Garden Bench, Angels, Water
Fountains, Garden Stands, Oval Plaques, Bird feeder,
Crucifix Gift Crosses, Outdoor Statues, Crucifixes, Communion Memory Boxes,
Baptismal, Water Falls, Figurines, First Communion Memory Boxes and more ...

Statues, Kneelers, Holy Water Fonts, Sanctuary Lamps, Incense Burners,
Hymn Boards, Tabernacles,Altar Candlesticks, Cups, Candlesticks,
Church Furniture, Infant Jesus Statues, Crucifixes, Wall Rosaries, Ciboriums,
Monstrance, Last Suppers, Bird Feeders, Saints Statues,
Nativity Sets, Offering Boxes, and more ...

Corcovado Gifts

Framed Prints

Holy Water Vessels - Bottles

Inspirational Gifts


Saint Decals

Saint Incense

Santos Collection



Wall Plaques

Statues - Outdoor and Indoor - Large

Nativities, Serigraphs, Sculptures, Figurines, Bird feeders and Small Statues

Nativity Sets

Pictures of Pope Benedict XVI - Large Framed Photos


Christmas Gifts: Plaques, Holy Pictures, Displays and Crucifixes

Christmas Nativities, Angel Statues and Figures, Christmas Gifts,
Plaques, Music Boxes, Christmas Tree Skirt, Christmas
Pillows, Holders ...

Special Christmas Gifts, Statues, Nativities and Last Supper Plaques

Statues, Mugs, Trinket Boxes, Photo Frames, Bible Boxes, Music Boxes,
Jewelry Boxes, Light Holders, Plaques, Crucifixes, Candle Holders, Crosses,
Candlesticks, Medallions, Lanterns, Advent Wreaths, Missal Stands,
Rosaries, and other Church Supplies

Statues - Devotional Catholic Statues,
Pastoral Sick Call Set, New Testaments and Church Supplies

Statues, Crucifixes, Christmas Nativities and Church Supplies Content Part 1:

Statues, Virgin Mary, Saints and Outdoor Statues - Large

Church Supply

Church Furniture

Catholic Items and Church Supplies

Church Supplies and Furniture - Part 2

Baptismal Church Supply




Church Supply and Gifts

Crucifixes and Crosses

Candles - Part 1

Candles - Part 2

First Communion





Silver Medals, Necklaces, Bracelet


Offering Boxes for Churches and Ministries

Beautifully Hand-Painted Alabaster Statuary, Arts, Pieta,
Plaques, Crosses, Crucifixes, Holy Water Fonts from Italy

DiGiovanni Outdoor Statues Collection

DiGiovanni Indoor Statues Collection

Catholic Gifts

Catholic Plaques and Catholic Statues

Pieta Statues


18" Val Gardena Crucifix with White Cloth

13" Val Gardena Crucifix with White Cloth

Set of 4 Advent Candle Holders

13" Tomaso Budded Crucifix

13" Tomaso Ornate Crucifix

10" Val Gardena Crucifix with White Cloth

8" Val Gardena Crucifix with White Cloth

Mary and Holy Trinity Crucifix

Footprints Frames of Faith Framed Print

10" Tomaso Budded Crucifix

Statues: Catholic Statues Of Jesus, Religious Garden Statues

Christmas Gifts, Plaques, Holy Pictures, Displays and Crucifixes

Catholic Goods and Church Furniture

Sacred Heart of Jesus Posters, Prints, Holy Cards and Medals

Catholic Tapestry Wall Hanging




Section #33 - Statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary
"Ave Maria Collection"

Madonna and Child Statue

Adoring Madonna and Child Musical Figurine

Adoring Madonna and Child Figurine

Madonna and Child with Book Statue

Standing Madonna and Child Figurine

Seated Madonna and Child Figurine

Seated Madonna with Children Figurine

Kneeling Madonna and Child in Manger Figurine

Madonna and Child with Book Figurine

Madonna and Child Musical Figurine

Ave Maria Statue



Section #34 - Bibles:

Family and Study Bibles

Douay-Rheims Bible

Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?



Section #35 - Holy Pictures:

Holy Pictures of Mary and Saints

Holy Prayer Cards



Section #36 - Children Games:

Card Games for Children



Section #37 - Special Orders:

Custom Made Church Statues, Church Interiors, Altars and Restorations



Section #38 - Statues Made of Wood
"Santos Rusticos"

St. Joseph Statue

St. Francis Statue

Madonna and Child Statue

St. Anthony Statue

Our Lady of Guadalupe Wall Relief

St. Francis Statue

St. Peregrine Statue

St. Peter Statue

Sacred Heart Statue




Section #39 - Custom Made Special Order Statues

Custom Made Church Statues, Church Interiors, Altars and Restorations

Church and Garden Catholic Statues - Church Interiors Restorations and Altars

Top Quality Large Church Custom Made Statues

Architectural Products, Decorative Accessories and Statuary


Artist and Sculptot Andrew Crouchet Jumonville

Rare Gifts

Garden Statues

Birdbaths and Bird Feeders

Church Statuary

Blessed Mother Melody Clock

Church Supplies

Candleholders - Section 2

Decorative Marble Statues

St. Joseph Home Sale Practice - Small Statues of St. Joseph



Section #40 - Nativity - Christmas Holiday Statues Sections

Christmas Catholic Gifts

Nativity Statues - Section 1

Nativity Statues - Section 2

Nativity Statues - Section 3

Nativity Statues - Section 4

Nativity Statues - Section 5

Nativity Statues - Section 6

Nativity Statues - Section 7

Nativity Statuettes

Christmas Gifts

The Nativity Collection Statues

3-pc Nativity Set - 24” and 32" Statues

Child Jesus Statues - Infant of Prague - Divino Niño Statues

Nativity Statues - Christmas Collection

Nativities - Holy Family - Christmas Nativity

Holy Family Statues, Icons and Plaques

Roman Catholic Statues




Finest Catholic Communion Gifts

Florentines Statues Collection




Catholic Church Supplies
Votive Candles, Candles, Accessories, Vigil Lights, Pulpit Robes, Monstrances, Reliquaries, Mass Kits, Lecterns - Church Furniture, Kneelers, Hymn Board, Dalmatic, Cope, Choir Apparel, Chasuble, Clergy Apparel, Chalices, Patens, Candlesticks, Candleholders, CandlePure™ Paraffin Oil, Candelabras, Bible & Missal Stands, Baptismal Apparel, Altar Brand® Candles and Albs.




Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?

Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?

Douay-Rheims Bible, Large Print - Black Leather Hardcover




All Sizes of Indoor or Outdoor Catholic Statues, Religious Christian Garden Statuary, Plaques, Corpus Crucifixes, Fountains, Pedestals. Statues of Jesus Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary, Saints, Angels, Complete Set of Large and Medium Stations of the Cross, Crosses, Nativity Sets, Shrines and Grottos. Christian Catholic Religious Large Church Size Statuary for Church, Home, Garden or Business. Discounted Sale Prices on Statues of Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary, Catholic Figurines, Child Jesus, Mother Mary, Santo Nino, Crucifix and Corpus, Saints Garden Statues, Baby Jesus, Divine Mercy, Holy Family, Christian Sculptures, Jesus Christ, St Joseph, Fatima Statues, Mt. Carmel, Lourdes Statuary, Plaques, Pedestals, Garden Statuary, Wall Rosaries, Sacred Pictures, Many Roman Catholic Saints, Patron Saints, Mary Mother of Jesus, Grottos, Saint Joseph Statues, Nativity, Divine Mercy figurines, Archangels, St Michael, Marble Statues, Large Church Statues and Large Garden Statues. Realistic Finishes Hand painted by top Artists. Sculptures are of the Highest Artistic Quality
327 Main Street, P.O. Box 713
Blackshear, GA 31516

Phone: 1-888-778-5442 (Toll-Free Number for USA and Canada only)
or call 912-807-5480
E-mail Contact:

Contact Form

How To Order




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