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Current Issues in the Church

The Catholic Church Saved My Marriage
Discovering Hidden Grace in the Sacrament of Matrimony


“The Catholic Church saved my marriage
and, quite possibly, my life.”

So begins David Anders in this remarkably forthright book. In it, David reports that by the early 2000s, his marriage was so painful he actually longed for death. It wasn't simple incompatibility; he and his wife had just one thing in common: contempt for each other.

Today, David and his wife are happy together – not because of marriage therapy, but because they came to know and fully embraced the Catholic Church's teachings on marriage.

Many people who encounter such teachings are shocked by their rigor. Yet the Church offers much more than rules about sexual restraint; she offers a way to make marriage into something supernatural, even mystical.

Here Dr. Anders shares his personal discovery of the Church's teaching on marriage and offers a robust defense of the Church's most controversial teachings, including divorce, remarriage, gay marriage, and contraception.

With the Church's teachings and the writings of the saints as his guide, he also offers practical, time-tested ways to improve your marriage, such as how to live in peace despite an unhappy marriage, the value of suffering, and ways to overcome your reluctance to forgive grave offenses.

In a culture that breaks apart marriages and undermines human dignity, Dr. David Anders offers a hope-filled alternative for those who live moral and spiritual lives in union with Christ and His Church.



Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .6 in
Weight 11 oz

Sale Price: $17.95


From Atheism to Catholicism
Nine Converts Explain Their Journey Home


This collection of testimonies by nine former atheists who found new life in the Catholic Church is one of the most helpful tools for cultivating the faith ever crafted! Here you'll meet:

The atheistic Jew who sparked the conversion of a fellow atheist, and led him into the priesthood.
The Nietzsche-loving bodybuilder whose atheism was upended by St. Thomas Aquinas.
The hardened, anti-Catholic, neo-Nazi convict who shed his vices and became a celebrated Catholic author.
The commune-dwelling hippie socialist who is now a happy Catholic husband and father.
The once militant, gay atheist who is now “Christ's willing captive.”
And other prominent members of our Church who, in our generation, have escaped the swamp of atheistic relativism and embraced Holy Mother Church!
Dramatic and thought-provoking, these intensely personal stories refute virtually every atheistic objection to God while explaining the arguments —and events — that eventually led them into the Catholic Church.

Here you'll encounter proofs for the faith that will confirm your own faith and help you explain it to others, including to atheists. Read and learn:

The irrefutable testimony of conscience.
Proof that faith is not blind.
The facts that baffle evolutionists.
The overwhelming failures of materialism.
Proof that the Church herself is a miracle.
Why consideration of the Big Bang leads to the conversion of so many souls.
How both Mary and the male priesthood are not arguments against the Church, but evidence of her holiness.
How in all critical areas, the Catholic position is logical, historical, and definitive.
Plus scores of other arguments to pry even stubborn souls away from their atheism and show them the beauty of our Faith.
Along the way, you will come to learn about proven convert-makers: Thomas Aquinas, Cardinal Newman, Gerard Manley Hopkins, T.S. Eliot, C.S. Lewis, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the beauty of religious art, the study of the Early Church, . . . and about proven convert-making habits: pious reading, one-on-one conversations, and, above all, prayer and Christian example (are you openly Christian?).

These inspiring pages will bring believers gratitude to God for the faith He has given them, and will give them strong new tools to help them stand up proudly for it. Readers struggling with faith will gain new strength to persevere in their search for God, and will be armed with brief prayers to help them do so. Even hard-core atheists will be jarred out of their complacency.

All will be moved by the honest drama of these good men and women who, despite many obstacles, chose to be faithful to the truth, and to follow it wherever it led them, even into the arms of the Church!



Dimensions 8 × 5 × .6 in
Weight 7 oz

Price: $14.95

The Roots of a Christian Civilization
First Principles of a Just and Ordered Society

Abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, and socialized medicine are all rampant today, and more and more receive the blessing of the civil law — even in countries traditionally considered to be Catholic. In these incisive pages, Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., answers the question: Should law implement morality or not? He provides you with a compendium of accessible answers to a range of questions on spiritual and moral theology.

In part 1, you will come to understand the nature of society and principles of the social order as they apply to the three basic human societies: the family, the state, and the Church. Additionally, you will find the basis for the Church’s teachings and how they relate to real-life scenarios.

In part 2, you will see the Catholic vision of how the most basic human societies — the family and the state — must pursue their goals. Drawing from Scripture and Tradition, early philosophers and the saints, Fr. Mullady reveals the one good that is at the root of all social order. He also breaks open:

The twofold aspect of human nature and the three levels of action
Four ways in which people should rule in a society, according to St. Thomas Aquinas
Ten principles for the Christian idea of social order
The real meaning of social participation (Do you know it?)
The proper relationship between authority and conscience — both in the Church and in civil society
The five rights and duties that the Church teaches in the economic order
Fr. Mullady further explains the dangers of both liberal capitalism and Marxism. You will also learn about the uniqueness of the individual because of the spiritual soul and how society must be governed by virtues such as prudence, justice, and charity. Above all, you will find out how to live your life in Christ, regardless of your vocation, to attain personal fulfillment.

A remarkable presentation of the Church’s teaching on the necessary role community plays in the Church, the State, and the family. Readers unfamiliar with classic philosophical and theological notions of the human person will find the work’s opening sections quite revealing; those brought up in the Catholic tradition will find these pages a splendid synthesis of traditional Western thought.

Fr. Reginald Martin



Weight 12 oz

Price: $18.95

Vatican Confidential
A Candid Conversation with Cardinal Gerhard Müller



“At this moment, I see the Church on the edge of a precipice. . . . What happened during the sack of Constantinople comes to mind, when the Turks besieged the city, and at the moment of greatest danger, the theologians were caught up in debating among themselves about the color of Our Lady’s eyes.” Thus states Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Benedict XVI and foremost defender of the traditional Church, who, for the first time, narrates from the inside some of the most significant episodes of the last two pontificates.

In this riveting, thorough, and uncensored interview by Vatican correspondent Franca Giansoldati, the German theologian explains the doctrinal confusion wrought by various themes of the Francis papacy that risks fanning the flames of heresies old and new. With a magnifying glass, he examines topics ranging from Vatican foreign policy to the handling of the pedophilia scandals, from gender, abortion, and end of life to the abdication of Benedict XVI, from the Ukraine war to the risk of schism and predictions for the next conclave.

In these pages, you will discover:

What was behind Cardinal Müller’s being distanced from the Holy Office
Whether the nomination of new cardinals is linked to a papal attempt at centralizing power
The limits of the encyclical Praedicate Evangelium, which redesigned the Roman Curia
Whether there is a gay lobby at the Vatican, and the true roles of women in the Church
Why the College of Cardinals never intervened in the controversial Becciu case
What is happening to the Church in Germany, America, and China
The candid and revelatory answers to these and many other questions enliven Cardinal Müller’s reflections and provide an antidote to the twenty-first century’s profound crisis of religion. Readers will come to appreciate the balance required between obedience in the Church and defense of the truth, how attempts to protestantize the Church are destroying faith in the true Christ and the sacraments, and the bold solutions the cardinal offers to set the Church on a path to authentic reform.



Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .25 in
Weight 8 oz


Catholic Replies
Over 800 Questions Answered

The best comprehensive questions and answers book on the Faith in print today. Here are the answers to more than 800 of the most difficult religious and moral questions of the day--from abortion to homosexuality to Marian apparitions to women priests. Catholic Replies contains hundreds of quotations from official Church sources.

This book should be in every catholic home and in the hands of everyone writing, teaching, or speaking about the truths of the Catholic faith. Makes it easy to find answers to the common and unusual questions that intrigue and perplex us.


Dimensions 8.25 × 5.25 × .8 in
Weight 22 oz
SKU Cathr


Apologetics II: The Catholic Response to Challenges of the Modern World Student Book

This course gives students the understanding they need to respond to the important and difficult moral issues of our time. This course focuses not simply on what the Ten Commandments say, but delves deeply into the reasons WHY we should follow them. Students will be equipped to defend the Catholic position on today’s toughest topics, including abortion, homosexuality, and gender ideology, as well as the virtues we must cultivate in our response. Each chapter includes a study of primary sources from Church history, focus and reflection questions, complete instructions for interactive activities, art and other visual reflections, scripture readings, and inspirational stories of the saints.


Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .8 in
Weight 15 oz


Self Improvement


his classic book has a uniquely rich history of helping people learn how to recognize — and eliminate — common obstacles to their spiritual development. In this groundbreaking work, Dr. Rudolf Allers, a pioneer psychologist and a contemporary of Freud, proves the importance of religion — and Catholicism in particular — by arguing that only the Catholic view of man can explain abnormalities and produce positive personality changes. Among all the psychologists of his time, Allers alone linked moral and spiritual growth to mental health.

In this gem of a book, you will find an in-depth yet accessible explanation of how character is shaped in childhood and afterward. This trusty guide will help you in rooting out character defects, curing (and preventing) developmental problems, strengthening virtues, and recognizing dormant potential in both children and adults.

You will discover keys to spiritual growth that is steady and lasting, including:

Three forces that shape character
Four factors that lead to antisocial behavior in children
The virtue most critical to — and the vice most destructive of — steady personal growth
Common personality types and their problems
Typical ways we deceive ourselves and inhibit real self-knowledge
The roles environment and heredity play in the formation of character
Do you, or does your child, have a faulty “character ideal”? If so, you will learn how this can cause misdirection and poor decision-making. You will also find out character differences between males and females and discover why the formation of character is linked with the nature of moral and religious life.

Dr. Allers, an esteemed friend of Edith Stein and mentor of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Viktor E. Frankl, also unpacks how a widely held Protestant belief about man’s nature — shared by some Catholics — can stunt psychological growth. He specifies mistakes to avoid in child-rearing (early childhood and adolescence) and the proper family environment in which to foster high achievement in children. Additionally, he explores leniency versus severity in child-rearing, what to do about “difficult” children, and the essential ingredient of effective punishment.

Central to Allers’s unique approach is his certainty that dramatic character transformation comes despite fixed habits and past mistakes. He proves this, placing the highest value on the Church’s accumulated wisdom about human nature and drawing freely from Scripture, the lives and writings of the saints, and the teachings of great theologians.

Significantly, you will grasp the root causes of common problems such as anxiety, bed-wetting, compulsiveness, daydreaming, defiance, discouragement, disillusionment, effeminacy, gossip, homosexuality, impulsiveness, indecisiveness, insecurity, loneliness, dishonesty, oversensitivity, pridefulness, scrupulosity, promiscuity, speech impediments, suicidal tendencies, superstition, vengefulness, and weakness of will.


Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .625 in
Weight 12 oz


Let There Be No Divisions Among You
Why All Christians Should be Catholic


With clear, compelling logic bolstered by countless Scriptural confirmations, Fr. John MacLaughlin here considers the oft-heard claim that it doesn't matter what Christian denomination you join, so long as you're sincere.

Formally known as indifferentism, this view has in recent centuries taken deep root among Christians. Indeed, indifferentism is the enemy not only of Protestantism and Catholicism, but of Christ Himself, who revealed to His apostles scores of truths about Himself and the way of salvation, never encouraging them to pick and choose among those truths.

Not only then, argues Fr. MacLaughlin, is one Christian denomination not as good as another, but embracing the wrong one can lead a good-hearted soul into utter unbelief, jeopardizing his salvation.

For this reason, Fr. MacLaughlin devotes the second half of this immensely popular book to delineating for readers the two fundamental characteristics that will ever and always be found in the one Church that Christ founded and to which he intends all men and women to belong.

Among the things you will learn here:

How indifferentism threatens your salvation
Where Christ forbids preaching some doctrines while ignoring others
The two marks the of the true Church delineated by Christ Himself
Denominational lethargy: how sticking with the Faith you were born into can violate the First Commandment . . . and risk your salvation
Decrees of the Council of Jerusalem (ca. 50 A.D.): proof that the apostles themselves denied that one Christian faith is as good as another
How consideration of indifferentism draws inquirers to the true church
How the profusion of Protestant sects reveals the need for a final authority
The universality of the True Church: lt existed already at Pentecost, before the Church spread beyond Jerusalem (and one Church has that very same universality today)
The religion revealed by Christ: In its essentials, it's clear, definite, unchanging. Is yours?


Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .4 in
Weight 9 oz


Abuses in the Religious Life and the Path to Healing

Fr. Dysmas’s wisdom and experience will help you attain the broad equilibrium that nourishes personal and community growth, through the respect of individuals, Catholic tradition, and a healthy spiritual life. Speaking out for the first time, he condemns an era of mental abuse in the Church and in the world. This free and liberating guide exposes some of the abuses within religious orders and includes testimonies of victims.

You will learn:

How to determine whether a community is following tradition or falling prey to cultlike practices
The two primary challenges to those in positions of authority
Behaviors in a community that cause harm and psychological murder
Four stages and characteristics of “sectlike” behavior in dysfunctional religious communities
Five layers of knowledge of those entering a community experience — from the outside and the inside
The dangers of manipulative personalities and abuses of power
You will also gain a proper understanding of obedience and discover the three conditions, according to St. Francis de Sales, that highlight what blind obedience really means. Moreover, you will see the difference between the silence that is life-giving and the silence that kills. You will also find two criteria for healthy communication with the outside world and the way to achieve balance in living a life of sacrifice to foster genuine humility. Above all, you will see the necessary path to healing and how the truth sets us free.

Dom Dysmas de Lassus proposes some diagnostic tools that allow us to assess the potential dangers that can arise from certain spiritual practices or ways of governing communities. He also gives a very positive account of the sort of balanced approach that leads to growth. We can only be grateful that such an exceptional book as this has been published.

Msgr. José Carballo



Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 in
Weight 17 oz


Apologetics I: The Catholic Faith and Science Student Book

This course explores the scientific evidence for God as well as philosophical proofs of His existence, the historicity of Jesus‘s miracles and Resurrection, the reasons to be Catholic, why an all-loving God would allow suffering, and medical evidence for our transphysical soul. Each chapter includes a study of primary sources from Church history, focus and reflection questions, complete instructions for interactive activities, art, and other visual reflections, Scripture readings, and biographies of Catholic scientists and saints. PLUS... each unit includes instructions for an activity to team-teach with a chemistry, biology, or other science teacher.


Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1.5 in
Weight 30 oz


Examination of Conscience for Adults

The Examination of Conscience for Adults is a comprehensive examination based on twelve virtues for the twelve months of the year. The object of this booklet is to initiate lay people into the practice of concentrating their efforts at self-perfection on one virtue a month. It provides a fairly complete list of mortal sins to be avoided, of venial sins to be corrected and of helps and counsels that may be practiced.


Dimensions 8.5 × 6.5 × .5 in
Weight 4 oz


The Shroud
Face to Face

Murder, a true crime scene, controversies, leading scientists’ investigations, and a startling NASA study. “An incredibly detailed image of the man on the Shroud shocks the world and befuddles believer and skeptic alike. How to explain such a phenomenon?” writes Robert Orlando, award-winning writer, filmmaker, and director.

When Orlando was first approached about making a documentary about the Shroud of Turin, he was skeptical of the project—and the Shroud itself. Then he came across conflicting opinions in history and science. This, along with his desire to learn more about the life of Jesus and make sense about the final things, led him to investigate “a new crime scene.” This book was inspired by his new documentary with the same title.

“The murder of Jesus of Nazareth, a carpenter from a small town outside Jerusalem, became the most historically debated crime scene in all recorded history,” Orlando explains. “Not only do people debate the historicity of the event, but unlike most other crime scenes, there’s a religious element. The murder of this simple carpenter somehow launches the largest, most widespread religion of modern times.”

Through his scholarly research and his detective work, Orlando fascinatingly connects historical, archaeological, scientific, art, and theological research to unveil:

Evidence that dates back to the time and place of Christ
The results of a startling NASA study and leading scientists’ research
A biblical clue to where the Shroud may have been hidden
What Jesus really experienced according to science, history, and Scripture
A miraculous healing from the Shroud following the Resurrection
Also included is a timeline of the Shroud’s history and an introduction to the key witnesses of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection. While retelling the story of Christ through the lens of ancient customs and traditions, Orlando breaks open the mysterious discovery of the Shroud.

In these gripping pages, Orlando lays out numerous opinions and fact-based arguments, and systematically separates fact from fiction. He raises the question: Is the Shroud the connection between faith and science? If the Shroud really is the burial cloth of Jesus, it is the key to unlocking the world’s greatest mystery and shedding light in an age of disbelief. In the words of Orlando, “The death of Jesus is the most consequential death in human history.”


Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .5 in
Weight 8 oz


God’s Grandeur
The Catholic Case for Intelligent Design

In an age of rising unbelief, top Catholic thinkers show how, more than ever, both science and reason affirm the words of the great Catholic poet Gerard Manley Hopkins: “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.”

This book, edited by biologist Ann Gauger, clears up common misconceptions regarding intelligent design, showing why it is an argument not from ignorance but from knowledge and how the evidence for God’s design of the natural world is growing. Part 1 explores scientific evidence from experts in cosmology, paleontology, genetics, chemistry, and biology. In part 2, you will learn about the purpose of creation, transcendent beauty, and the distinctiveness of the human person. The third part lays out the theology behind creation and how it reflects God’s glory and concludes with Dr. Anthony Esolen’s essay on the “symphonic order” of the universe, masterfully drawing from science, mathematics, literature, and philosophy.

You will also learn:

What the Church really teaches about evolution
How neo-Thomists wrongly apply Aquinas’s thinking to evolution
Characteristics that distinguish humans from the rest of creation
Why materialistic scientists resist the Big Bang Theory
How to understand the biblical account of Creation
How natural law and transcendental beauty point to the existence of God
Specific scriptures from the Old and New Testaments that testify to the wonder of God’s creative hand
Why Pope Benedict XVI cautioned that vague explanations about creation are insufficient
Moreover, you will learn how the understanding of ancient philosophers and Aquinas regarding the mind-brain connection, coupled with modern neuroscience support intelligent design and the creation of man as not only a material being but a spiritual being.

Each chapter includes extensive references, enabling further exploration. The entire book will strengthen you as never before in the belief that the world is the creation of an intelligent and intentional Designer—One whose greatest longing is for you to spend all eternity with Him.



Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .75 in
Weight 17 oz


A Declaration of Dependence
Trusting God Amidst Totalitarianism, Paganism, and War


This book reveals the shocking truth you need to know in a world riddled by irrationality, emotionalism, and violence. Religion is under attack, whether from totalitarian governments or modern education. Our tacit submission to politics, “freedom,” and science has made us slaves to a diabolical New Atheism and fear.

With his prescient wit, wisdom, and fervor, Archbishop Fulton Sheen provides clarity amid propagandist lies and pagan societies united in purpose to destroy. He reminds us why we must fear what kills the soul more than what kills the body. He exposes the false prophets and philosophies at work in the world and the many “believers” who no longer worship or act in accordance with their beliefs.

Archbishop Sheen masterfully decries the divisions and hatreds in America, explaining how we have turned from God and are on the precipice, that there is “too much tolerance of evil and not enough intolerance of injustice.” The chastisements the world is facing, he declares, are a consequence of its sins; they are the result of our abandonment of God, our idolatry; and man's attempts to replace God serve only to show that the world is devoid of goodness without His presence.

By declaring ourselves independent of God, we have brought down His wrath and made ourselves slaves to the world, the flesh, and the devil. Archbishop Sheen invites us to examine our consciences to see how we have, in fact, caused the wars in the world.

By reading this book you will see how “isms” control people where the seeds have been planted for them to be controlled. You will learn how, throughout history, God punishes to destroy evil and, at the same time, to heal His sons from their sins. In addition, you will absorb the future saint's teachings on:

The presence of the Antichrist in history

The cause of war — whether or not it is just — and where its greatest tragedy lies

How to truly fight for peace, justice, and unity in our country and among nations

The standard to which all Christians should hold themselves

Why the Church is opposed to extreme militarism and pacifism

Why those without conscience persecute those with conscience

Best of all, Archbishop Sheen explains how God's wrath is not capricious but is a consequence of our actions, how He is good and loving and will not let us drown in our sins, and how the key to our restoration — repentance — is readily in our grasp.



Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .5 in
Weight 8 oz


Loving God’s Children
The Church and Gender Ideology


Nihil Obstat: David S. Crawford, J.D., S.T.D.
Censor Deputatis, May 15, 2023

Imprimatur: Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak, J.C.D.
Bishop of Grand Rapids, May 19, 2023

The Catholic Church teaches beautiful lessons about human sexuality and our identity as sons and daughters of God, lessons that promote human flourishing. Yet gender activists and their allies in the government and in the media denounce the Church’s message of love as harmful and hateful. How do Catholics respond to that criticism?

In this timely and incisive book, John Bursch helps explain what the Catholic Church teaches about the human person and why modern culture’s embrace of “gender ideology” is not only wrong but terribly dangerous for parents and families, female athletes, medical professionals — and especially those experiencing gender confusion. Drawing from Church documents and extensive scientific research, Bursch answers numerous questions that confront Catholics living in a culture that promotes gender fluidity. He covers a range of topics including how to approach the use of pronouns in the workplace, whether transgender individuals can receive the sacraments, and ways to accompany those struggling with gender confusion.

You will also learn:

What is the concept of objective truth and how to defend it
The Church’s understanding of what it means to truly love another individual
Straightforward reasons to defend the Church’s teaching on human sexuality
What scientific inquiry really says about gender ideology
The true meaning of human identity
How gender activists subvert the truth in culture and in the medical profession
How acceptance and affirmation of those who announce a gender identity different from their sex is not loving but harmful
Significantly, you will find ways to develop virtue and courage to withstand the rising persecution of those who promote and defend the Church’s teachings and will learn how to respond to practical questions with factual information and authentic spiritual guidance from the pope and Catholic bishops.

The phenomenon of transgenderism discloses a deep suffering that calls for a response of love. John Bursch’s book begins from the premise that there is no genuine compassion that is not rooted in truth.

Dr. Lesley Rice

This is to date, the most comprehensive popular treatment available of the Catholic position on gender ideology. John Bursch has provided an excellent guidebook not only for clergy, teachers, medical specialists, and politicians, but also for the average Catholic who is increasingly pressured to conform to the medically, psychologically, and spiritually damaging popular cultural agenda.

Fr. Robert Spitzer

Going from a brief and sophisticated overview of anthropology and philosophy right on to the down-to-earth reality pastors, educators, counsellors and parents must confront on transgender issues, this book will prove to be an indispensable resource.

Fr. Robert Sirico

We all need to know how to respond with rational love to the madness of gender ideology. This book shows us how to do this. For this reason alone, it should be on every good Catholic’s reading list.

Joseph Pearce

The transgender movement has dramatically affected every facet of American life – and Catholics are looking to make sense of it all. I can’t think of a wiser guide for that task than attorney-author John Bursch.

Mary Hasson

Many faithful Catholics have a difficult time both understanding and articulating the Church’s teachings about the difficult moral and cultural issues of our time. Because they lack confidence and because they fear being cancelled or accused of bigotry they remain silent even with members of their own families.

Most Rev. Charles Chaput

Love is only authentic when grounded in truth. Loving God’s Children: The Church and Gender Ideology informs readers of the truth—about the philosophy and theology, science and medicine—that they need to know in order to then authentically love those caught in gender ideology.

Ryan Anderson

Over the past decade American culture has been overrun by gender ideology, a grave threat not only to the happiness of individuals but also to our very understanding of the person.

Very Rev. Paul Scalia

Catholic Community Radio, Wake Up!

Action for Life TV


What Catholics Need to Know About Islam


It is no longer permissible to have an honest conversation about Islam. Those who warn about Islam's threat to our way of life are dismissed as racists and xenophobes by social elites and even by many in the Catholic hierarchy.

For centuries, the Catholic Church served as a bulwark against Islamic expansion. Today the Church is an enabler of Islam, encouraging mass migration into the West and portraying Islam as a peace-loving religion that has nothing to do with terrorism.

In this highly informative, hard-hitting book, Catholic author William Kilpatrick pulls no punches in courageously confronting the threats posed by Islam. He shows how Muslim activists are employing the same tactics that led to the meteoric rise of the LGBT movement and how they have systematically infiltrated the government, media, business, schools, and even churches.

He explains how Western self-hatred and political correctness makes jihad possible, and he reveals how the media conceals and covers up for atrocities committed in the name of Islam.

In many European countries, you can be arrested for criticizing Islam. Meanwhile, desecration of churches is on the rise, police fear to enter Muslim zones, and London has become the acid-attack capital of the world. Europe is slowly capitulating to Islam, writes Kilpatrick, and the same can happen here if we don't wake up in time.

Among the many urgent topics covered in this compelling book are:

Why stealth jihad is more dangerous than armed jihad

Why you should worry about virgins in paradise

Why the rise of gender confusion has led to the rise of Islam

Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Is the face of the migrant the face of Jesus?

Are Islamic family values the same as Christian family values?



Dimensions 9 × 6 × .7 in
Weight 21 oz


Compendium of the Catholic Faith


The most up-to-date “catechism” in print! For the first time in over fifty years, a Catholic bishop has published his own comprehensive presentation of the Faith—what to believe, how to live, and how to pray as Christ taught.

Sure to be a classic for generations to come, Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith offers a clear and readable summary of Catholicism as a whole, given in the pastoral style of the apostles. Using the simple and direct “Question–Answer” format so popular among instructors (and internet search engines), Bishop Athanasius Schneider shares a bold new articulation of timeless truths, while also engaging current issues with courage and kindness.

After an Introduction outlining Christian identity and doctrine, Part I unpacks what Catholics believe, following the articles of the Apostle’s Creed. Part II explains the principles of right moral action, following the Commandments. Part III teaches on grace, the sacraments, prayer, and worship. Appendices include the five major Christian Creeds, and a stellar Index (plus unique headers and bleed tabs) makes navigating the book delightfully easy.

Including treatments of several contemporary issues:

social media use,
personal technology,
science and evolution,
just war, death penalty,
gender ideology, modesty,
vaccines, health mandates,
world religions, true prayer,
faithful parenting, schooling,
religious liberty, free speech,
female clergy, Church scandal,
infallibility, magisterium, error,
pornography, sex education,
Sunday work, right worship,
Communism, Freemasonry,
globalism, transhumanism,
charismatic movement,
marijuana, drug use,
authentic renewal,
and more!
The unambiguous language of Credo offers to the faithful and the clergy an opportune help to give an explanation to anyone who asks for the reason of the Catholic faith.

Bishop Elias Nassar

May this work prove to be a great tool for those who seek to explore the truth of Jesus Christ more deeply.

Bishop Joseph Strickland

Credo is an important tool in the essential missionary work of evangelisation and apologetics in announcing the Saving Truth of Jesus Christ in our world that so desperately needs it.

Cardinal Robert Sarah

With the Credo, Bishop Athanasius Schneider proves not only to be a true successor to the apostles, who unswervingly defends and proclaims the depositum fidei entrusted to him, but also like the master of a house, “who brings out of his treasury what is new and what is old.” (Mt 13:52)

Prof. Dr. Michael Fiedrowicz

Bishop Schneider gives voice to the living tradition, showing that it is not merely alive, but it has power to change our lives, to make us holy. I believe this book will do much good.

Scott Hahn



Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in





Current Issues in the Church

What is Heaven?

Heaven’s Currency
A Study of Love

Attaining Heaven
What It Is and How to Get There

Evidence of Satan in the Modern World

When the Sickle Swings
Stories of Catholics who Survived Communist Oppression

Unmasking Mother Teresa’s Critics

What’s Wrong with the World

Fr. Benedict Answers Your Questions

Christian Social Principles

Evidence of Satan in the Modern World

When the Sickle Swings
Stories of Catholics who Survived Communist Oppression

Unmasking Mother Teresa’s Critics

What’s Wrong with the World

Fr. Benedict Answers Your Questions

Christian Social Principles

Vision of Fatima

Science and Faith

Woke-Proof Your Life
A Handbook on Escaping Modern, Political Madness and Shielding Yourself and Your Family by Living a More Self-Sufficient, Fulfilling Life

Surprised by Life
10 Converts Explain How Catholic Teachings on Life Led Them to the Church

Catholic Books on Heaven, Purgatory and Hell

Books on Apparitions in Fatima

The Exorcism Files
True Stories of Demonic Possession

A Catholic Scientist Harmonizes Science and Faith

How Science Points to God

You Shall Stand Firm
Preserving the Faith in an Age of Apostasy

A Cardiologist Examines Jesus
The Stunning Science Behind Eucharistic Miracles

Catholicism & Ethics A Medical/Moral Handbook


A Gentleman’s Guide to Manners, Sex, and Ruling the World
How to Survive as a Man in the Age of Misandry– and Do So with Grace

Saint Pius V
The Legendary Pope Who Excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I, Standardized the Mass, and Defeated the Ottoman Empire

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