Surprising Mystics
by Herbert ThurstonCode: 9781929291991
Sale Price: $28.95
ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION"Remarkable collection of studies of eccentric sanctity ... of extreme interest."
Times Literary SupplementThe renowned Jesuit author Herbert Thurston's final book about one of his favorite topics- mystics and their extraordinary experiences- fascinated both Catholic and non-Catholic alike, and was celebrated as...
"A study of persons who come under the category of abnormal sainthood [who] have never come under the strict supervision of the Church because evidence was lacking for their beatification, though not all of them were regarded as imposters or hysterics....The care exercised in this study of these lives manifests all the more the Church's goal to contain her mystics by reason, custom, and revelation."-Philosophy and Phenomeno-logical Research
"...of the greatest possible interest to members of the Society for Physical Research [and] of the greatest possible value to the general public, and in particular to Catholics."-London Tablet "Contains much that will astonish...valuable as a work of reference on mysticism...reviews the lives of 13 persons...perhaps the best-known is Anne Catherine Emmerich....Thurston proceeds very cautiously in passing judgments, and warns over and over again that ‘mystical phenomena, visions and copious revelations, no matter how edifying, need to be scrutinized very, very carefully before they can be accepted as the seal set by God upon holiness of life."-Benedictine Review
"It is unfortunate that till modern times, all such phenomena were regarded as either fabricated or else of divine or diabolic origin....It is also unfortunate that the teaching of St. John of the Cross and of other spiritual masters, on the need for the subject to disregard all such phenomena in the approach to God, has so often been unknown and neglected, and that too often, directors of conscience [spiritual directors] have given way to the temptation of curiosity."-The Month
"So much was [Fr. Thurston] a priest as well as a scholar, so lovingly intent on the study of the mystic as a whole person, that these 13 biographical sketches remind one of a series of brilliant tapestries, peopled by figures almost alive."-Blackfriars
Code: 9781929291991
Sale Price: $28.95
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