My friends in the Bay Area, Doug Ardoin and Jim Shortt have decided to organize and produce a benefit on October 21st which will aid the families of firefighter victims of the tragedy in New York. Red Adair will make an appearance, and his son Jimmy will provide the barbecue dinner. The cost will be $10. The lineup of bands is one of the best I've seen in quite a while. Jerry LaCroix was the singer for Edgar Winter's White Trash in the 70's, and Doug Ardoin's Louisiana Boogie is the premier live group in this region. I've seen and heard all of the bands and singers featured on the flyer and I can say it is an honor to be a part of this with Johnny B and the Wildcats. FYI, the Citykings are still together and looking forward to the Stag's Head (formerly the Ale House) opening and getting bands. I'm playing in 2 bands, that's all. And concerning my injuries and surgeries and so on, that's all cool now. My finger plays as good as it ever did. I thank God and Dr. Jay M. Senaq every day for that. What was really painful was building my finger callouses back up after not playing for 7 weeks! The doc said I'm all healed now. The dough we pay is legit. It will go through Doug, who is a project engineer for the Space Shuttle at NASA, directly to the firefighters' fund in New York. Jim is a writer for the Bayrunner, which will carry an advertisement for it. All of the musicians will perform for free. Hope you can make it. It's a worthy cause and a ton of fun.
Love, Johnny B



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